Project: Cookbook design (group project)
Details: This project, like most others started in the brainstorming of what we wanted to create with this cookbook. Everyone created their own proposal and then we voted.
I feel cookbooks should almost make you drool when you flip through it, therefor I wanted the photos of the food to be the focal point of this design. I decided to go for an airy (lots of whitespace) but still playful design with an easy to understand color coded layout throughout the book. The typography is easy to read and the text is kept short and to the point to make the recipes seem less daunting.
My design won and so we then went on into fine-tuning and tweaking the design where needed. After the plan was made, production started where food was cooked, the copywriters wrote, the photographers took the photos and the designers put everything together based on my original design. During this part of the project I was the project leader along with three others. I can't say I'm a fan of how the cover turned out in the end but it was out of my hands at that point.
When the cookbook was done and being printed, we worked on a cross media campaign. I designed some flyers, small folders and posters. The team also created some animated gifs and social media ads (instagram and facebook).
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign